2021 A Level Results丨曼校A Level出分,67%斩获A*和A!
2021-08-18 16:06:00


The Head of School, Dr Murray Tod, commented...

Mr Tod

Head of MIS

“These A Levels results, with nearly 70% of all grades attaining either an A* or A grade, reflect an exceptional performance by a talented year group. The students have achieved superb A Level results, with nearly 45% of all grades scoring an A* performance. Despite the adversity of Coronavirus and its impact upon their final year, our MIS students maintained their enthusiasm and work ethic in the face of such educational challenges. We should also highlight how well our students coped with the blend of physical public examinations (for the CIE subjects) and Teacher Assessed Grades (for Pearson subjects) – they rose to the challenge magnificently.

Well done to them all & we are thrilled for them.

These superb Year 13 results are a true and apt reflection of their collective endeavours over the period of their studies and a suitable commendation of their academic talents. They are richly deserved and it is fitting, in the midst of such a challenging academic year, that MIS students can now look forward to taking their place at such prestigious global institutions as Imperial College London and so many others. We are proud of each and every one of them!

They have also set a high benchmark for other year groups to follow and the AS examination results (with 40% of all grades scoring an A grade), for subjects that take modules at this stage, reflect the undoubted promise of next year's Year 13.

I would also like to praise the Year 11 IGCSE results, with over 40% of all grades equating to A*/A, for this year group has also managed to overcome all the Covid disruptions to their education. They should be hugely heartened by their progress and well done to them all! We very much look forward to welcoming many of these students into their A Level courses at MIS & I am keenly anticipating further rapid academic achievements!"

曼校校长Murray Tod博士表示,




恭喜每位曼校A Level学子,我们以你们为傲!



隆重表扬11年级学生在各科目取得40%以上A*或A的成绩,这样的好成绩意味着他们成功克服了新冠疫情对学习的影响。正是过去的努力奋斗让他们取得了如此振奋人心的进步!现在他们即将进入A  Level课程学习,让我们一起拭目以待,相信他们一定会取得更亮眼的成绩!”



Merchiston International School

T: 400 867 0177    www.merchiston.cn

E: mis_admissions@merchiston.cn 

No. 12 Shilongzai Road, Dalang Sub-District, Longhua District, Shenzhen
