
MIS Early Years
MIS Juniors
MIS Seniors

At MIS Early Years we use the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum for England (EYFS) as the basis for planning and facilitating engaging, autonomous and appropriate learning experiences for our youngest children. The curriculum is play-based and sets the standards for the education of all children under five years old in England.  Additionally, we blend the IPC curriculum as an enquiry-based framework that supports Continuous Provision and provides a guideline on the topics covered in Nursery and Reception Years.


The emphasis is on child-led and play-based experiences which are meaningful, encourage independence and give young children the chance to become happy and confident learners. It also gives them the opportunity to develop their language skills before entering Year One the following year.


The EYFS consists of seven areas of learning. The Prime Areas being 'Communication and Literacy', 'Physical Development' and 'Personal, Social and Emotional Development' and these are considered fundamental for underpinning all other learning areas.  The other four Specific Areas are 'Literacy', 'Mathematics', 'Understanding the World' and 'Expressive Arts and Design'.


Sample Early Years Timetable:



Key Stage 1 = Years 1&2
Key Stage 2 = Years 3-6


At MIS Juniors, children learn through a bespoke curriculum framework that blends the UK National Curriculum standards for English and Mathematics with the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) for Humanities and Arts and the Cambridge Primary Curriculum for Science. This unique blend provides opportunities for students to develop not only their understanding of academic concepts but also their creativity, inquisitive skills and their international mindedness and growth as global citizens.


Our Juniors curriculum combined with our nurturing learning environment develops confident and inspired learners, who are able to work both individually and collaboratively. During their learning journey at MIS, children will explore topics from multiple perspectives and make meaningful connections between subjects.


Additionally, our wide range of co-curricular activities provide perfect opportunities for MIS students to discover their talents, take risks and further develop their social and emotional skills. We are committed to provide nurturing whole-person education, through an academically challenging curriculum that encourage students to be life-long learners.


Key Stage 3 = Years 7-9
Key Stage 4 = Years 10 & 11
Key Stage 5 = Years 12 & 13 (Sixth Form)


Studying at the Key Stage 3 (KS3) level, years 7 to 9, at Merchiston International School (MIS) serves as a crucial phase in a student's educational journey. This period, typically encompassing ages 11 to 14, is designed to bridge the foundational learning from primary education and the more specialized, rigorous demands of Key Stage 4 (KS4) and beyond.

At KS3, students are introduced to a broad and balanced curriculum that includes core subjects such as English, Mathematics, Chinese and Science, alongside Humanities, Arts, Computing and Physical Education. This diverse curriculum is essential in developing well-rounded individuals with a wide range of knowledge and skills. The emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving, and independent learning prepares students for the complexities of future academic challenges and real-world situations.

One of the significant benefits of studying KS3 at MIS is the unique blend of the rigorous, inquiry-based approach of the British system while being immersed in a culturally rich environment that values discipline, respect, and collaborative learning. This integration fosters global awareness and cultural sensitivity, equipping students with a broader perspective that is increasingly valuable in our interconnected world.

Moreover, the KS3 curriculum is designed to support the development of essential life skills. Through various subjects and extracurricular activities, students learn to communicate effectively, work collaboratively, and think creatively. These skills are crucial for personal growth and future professional success. Additionally, the focus on English language mastery ensures that students are proficient in the global lingua franca, enhancing their ability to engage in international contexts.

MIS also emphasizes the importance of a supportive and stimulating learning environment. Small class sizes, personalized attention, and state-of-the-art facilities ensure that each student can thrive academically and personally. This nurturing setting encourages students to explore their interests, develop their talents, and build the confidence needed for lifelong learning.

Is your child ready for an accelerated high school programme? In Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11), MIS students follow a broad range of subjects at IGCSE level. These internationally recognised examinations provide rigorous preparations for the A-level and other pre-university courses. We are one of the few schools in Shenzhen to offer these rigorous courses. Indeed, with university coming on the horizon, you want your child to have every academic advantage.


How are our Key Stages 4 and 5 different? Through the IGCSE, we offer a carefully constructed approach to ensure that your child is in the very best position to enter A-level courses and then the strongest possible candidate for university. The IGCSEs and A-levels also use internationally-benchmarked assessment systems understood and valued by universities worldwide.


Understanding the IGCSE: Internationally-respected, the IGCSE curriculum is a two-year course during which your child will study a number of subjects in great depth. This approach provides the time to establish a solid foundation upon which the rest of their high school progress will depend.


Subjects Studied at IGCSE: Core examined subjects are: English, Mathematics and Science

Optional subjects are: Fine Art, Textiles, Photography, Design Technology, Economics, Business Studies, Geography, History, Music, Drama, Computer Science and Physical Education.


IGCSE, The Core Subjects: At MIS, everyone studies Mathematics, English and Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) as part of the KS4 IGCSE curriculum. Non-Examined compulsory subjects are: Core PE (Physical Education) and Wellbeing.

Optional Subject Choices: There is a broad selection of additional subjects to choose from:


  • Art

  • Business Studies

  • Chinese

  • Computer Science

  • Design Technology

  • Drama

  • Economics

  • Geography

  • History

  • Music

  • Photography

  • Physical Education

  • Textiles

In our Sixth Form (Key Stage 5 = Years 12 & 13), the A-levels facilitate intensive, specialist study of (usually) three subjects. All students also follow the MIS Sixth Form Core which includes compulsory participation our Activities programme (including Service, Work Experience & the Sixth Form Trip) and completion of the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).

The subjects offered at A-level include:

  • Art
  • Biology
  • Business Studies
  • Chemistry
  • Chinese
  • Computer Science
  • Economics
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Further Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physics
  • Product Design


Sixth Form study is designed to allow students to pursue subjects in which they have a particular interest to much greater depth and breadth. As such, students are encouraged to opt for subjects they enjoy with a passion and to which they are willing, and able, to dedicate two years of study. Naturally, a certain level of academic achievement in these subjects is also required for the student to be successful and to enable them to progress to university.

The MIS standard entry requirement for all courses is used to determine a student's suitability for Sixth Form entry. It represents the school's indication that a student, based on performance in a particular subject area, has both the attitude and aptitude to achieve at least a D at A-level by the end of Year 13, assuming good progress is made, and is therefore eligible to opt for the subject in the Sixth Form. Pastorally, the student will be expected to make a positive impact on the cohort.

Eligibility takes into consideration the student’s track record in terms of:

  • Work ethic
  • Attitude and conduct
  • Academic integrity
  • Contribution to school life
  • Positive impact on the cohort
  • Academic attainment to date
  • Mock examination results


NOTE: A student requesting to study 4 A-levels should have a grade A profile at IGCSE, plus an excellent effort record across all subjects.

External applicants: When considering a student's suitability for entry to our Sixth Form, the same criteria apply. Successful applicants for a 3 A-level pathway should have an average B grade profile, based on performance in the Mock (I)GCSE examinations, with at least an (I)GCSE Grade B in the subjects to be pursued at A-level, unless otherwise specified. As a guide, an MYP grade of 5 or above is generally regarded as an equivalent. Diagnostic tests in A-level subjects can be expected, to ensure that students are confidently placed on the right course.