2023-11-11 13:41:00


The Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) was established in 1978 by the Australian Mathematics Trust (AMT), founded by renowned mathematician Peter O'Halloran. It is the world's largest school-based Mathematics competition. Today, AMC opens to students from Years 3 to 12, students from more than 30 countries participate annually.

Rank within World Top 2%

Y6 Max

Rank World Top 30%

Y4 Andy (Top 25%)

Y2 Maggie

Y2 Felix

Y4 Kevin

Y4 Chloe

Y4 Mathew

Y5 Karen

Y6 Jaylene

Y6 Leah

Y6 Grace

World Rank between Top 40 to 50%

Y3 Jefferson

Y5 Jayden

Y5 Jacob

Y5 Selena

Y6 Elsa

Y6 Yoyo

Y6 Jason

Soon after the Australian Mathematics Competition our Juniors contestants

 also made a huge breakthrough in another Maths competition, the Caribou Contests, ran on 18th October.

Caribou Contests is a global online mathematical thinking challenge initiated by renowned Canadian Mathematics professor Thomas Wolf, officially supported by the Canadian Mathematical Society. Rather than focusing on “difficult” problems, the programme is designed to stimulate students’ interest in Maths and improve their problem-solving skills through “interactive” questions that are creative and interesting.

After the first round of Caribou Contests, this fun Maths activity quickly became a popular topic in Juniors and immediately attracted another group of Maths fans to sign up for the contest. We are confident that in the second round of the contest, which will be held on November 15 (there will be 6 rounds in total and will last until May next year), our Juniors contestants will be able to achieve another great success!

澳大利亚数学竞赛 (Australian Mathematics Competition,简称AMC) 于1978年由著名数学家Peter O’Halloran创立的Australian Mathematics Trust (澳大利亚数学联合会,简称AMT) 全权主办,是全球最大的基于学校的数学竞赛。如今,澳大利亚数学竞赛面向3至12年级的学生开放,每年有超过30个国家的学生参与其中。

排名进入同年级世界前 2%

Y6 Max

排名进入同年级世界前 30%

Y4 Andy (Top 25%)

Y2 Maggie

Y2 Felix

Y4 Kevin

Y4 Chloe

Y4 Mathew

Y5 Karen

Y6 Jaylene

Y6 Leah

Y6 Grace


Y3 Jefferson

Y5 Jayden

Y5 Jacob

Y5 Selena

Y6 Elsa

Y6 Yoyo

Y6 Jason


驯鹿数学思维趣味活动(Caribou Contests)是由加拿大著名数学教授Thomas Wolf发起,获得加拿大数学会官方支持的全球在线数学思维挑战活动。该活动并不专注于“难”题,而是通过“交互式”的新颖有趣的问题,激发学生对数学的兴趣,以此提高他们对数学问题的解决能力。
