2023-12-03 08:20:00


Priscila Perdomo

Head of Juniors

Dear Parents,

In the dynamic landscape of international education, formative assessment emerges as a cornerstone for fostering continuous growth and deepening understanding. At MIS, formative assessment takes center stage, playing a pivotal role in shaping the educational journey of our young learners.

Formative assessment is an ongoing, interactive process that informs both teachers and students about the learning progress. In a multicultural environment like ours, where diversity is celebrated, formative assessment becomes a powerful tool for tailoring instruction to meet the unique needs of each student.

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One of the key aspects of formative assessment is its emphasis on real-time feedback. Teachers actively engage with students during the learning process, providing timely insights into strengths and areas for improvement. This immediate feedback loop empowers students to understand their progress, fostering a sense of ownership over their learning.

In our junior classrooms, formative assessment takes various shapes. Observations, discussions, quizzes, and interactive projects are seamlessly woven into the fabric of daily lessons. This multifaceted approach ensures that assessments align with diverse learning styles, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding in ways that resonate with them.

Furthermore, formative assessment encourages a growth mindset, a fundamental aspect of our educational philosophy. Students learn that mistakes are stepping stones to mastery, and the iterative nature of formative assessment allows them to refine their understanding over time. This mindset extends beyond academics, promoting resilience and a positive approach to challenges.

Teachers, as facilitators of learning, utilize formative assessment to tailor their instructional strategies. By continuously gauging student understanding, educators can adjust the pace, depth, or approach to meet the diverse needs of the class. This responsive teaching model is particularly vital in an international school setting, where students bring varied cultural and educational backgrounds.

The international dimension also amplifies the importance of language in our classrooms. Formative assessment becomes a language-rich process, allowing educators to gauge not only content mastery but also language development. Through open discussions, group activities, and written reflections, students enhance their language skills while engaging deeply with the subject matter.

Collaboration is another hallmark of formative assessment at MIS Juniors. Students often work together on projects, providing opportunities for peer assessment and constructive feedback. This collaborative spirit mirrors the global interconnectedness we aim to instill, preparing students for a world where teamwork and effective communication are paramount.

The role of parents in the formative assessment process is equally significant. Regular communication channels, such as parent workshops, parent-teacher conferences and detailed progress reports, enable parents to stay informed about their child's academic journey. This transparency fosters a strong partnership between home and school, reinforcing the idea that education is a shared responsibility.

In conclusion, formative assessment at MIS transcends traditional evaluation methods. It is a dynamic, learner-centered approach that nurtures a love for learning, resilience in the face of challenges, and a global perspective. By embracing the principles of formative assessment, we pave the way for our young learners to become agile, life-long learners prepared for success in an ever-evolving world.

Priscila Perdomo





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