2023-12-10 19:26:00





On the afternoon of December 9th, the private banking international education-themed exchange event for elite clients of Guangming Bank entered Shenzhen MIS, renowned for its Harry Potter-style British campus, highly favored British education system among elite families, and a diverse range of exciting after-school enrichment courses. This marked the beginning of an exploration journey into this century-old prestigious school known for its academic excellence.

Upon entering the school gate, the captivating British style is evident, from the castle-like teaching buildings with Scottish flair to the creatively adorned student art pieces throughout the campus, showcasing MIS's rich history and artistic atmosphere.

Play is the nature of children and the most direct way to explore the world. In MIS's carefully designed sports experience area, children immersed themselves in student-centered experiential learning courses such as parent-child kettlebell, fencing, and equestrianism, providing an immersive experience of the charm of holistic education integrating Eastern and Western educational philosophies.

The MIS teaching management team also made appearances, sharing insights on educational philosophy, curriculum design, academic achievements, and engaging in in-depth discussions with parents on fostering children's self-drive and leadership skills.

The core of Shenzhen MIS's holistic education lies in helping each child discover their talents and passions, aiming to nurture confident and determined global citizens. The school offers nearly a hundred extracurricular courses to meet diverse developmental needs, inspiring unlimited possibilities for personalized growth.

The visit brought surprises and gains, offering a deep exploration of the unique charm of British education. It was not just a campus tour but a profound visit about educational philosophies, providing important insights for children's academic planning. Mrs. Li, a parent, expressed this sentiment after the visit.




哈利·波特同款英式校园、深受精英家庭青睐的英式教育体系、精彩纷呈的课后增益课 ……12月9日下午,光明建行私行客户国际教育主题交流活动走进深圳曼校,开启了这个以学术卓越而著称的百年名校探索之旅。







图片 文章 Yafei Zhao & Tao Deng