2023-12-31 23:18:00





New Year


Dear MIS, MAS, and Lighthouse Family,


At this moment, while we still bask in the joyous moments of Christmas and the New Year holidays, the first rays of tomorrow's morning sun have ushered us into the vibrant year of 2024.


Yesterday, our Marketing Department meticulously prepared to share significant events from MIS over the past year with all our families. As we reminisce about yesterday, undoubtedly, there are captivating moments captured with you and your children, documenting the heartfelt stories of love and care shared by the people of MIS and Lighthouse.


I want to express heartfelt gratitude, on behalf of my family and me, to Head of School Marion, Executive Head of School Cui Jing and Head of Seniors Mark, Head of Boarding Ben, Head of Juniors Priscila, and the entire leadership and operational service team of MIS. Over the past year, you have provided MIS students with outstanding academic and warm educational services. In its five years, MIS has seen more than fifty students successfully enter top 30 universities worldwide such as Imperial College, UCL, and UAL. The inaugural scholarship students of MIS Golf Academy have achieved great success in international professional competitions. Under the guiding principles of holistic education, MIS has earned increasing market acclaim as a top-tier, warm-hearted British-style boarding international school in Shenzhen and the Greater Bay Area.


MAS, under the leadership of President Zhang Yue, has achieved three consecutive outstanding achievements in three years. This shining star of vocational education internationalization is rising steadily in the Greater Bay Area.


MIS Shekou campus, led by Head of Shekou Sarbrina, with her focus on forest schools and multilingual learning, has unfolded a beautiful picture of an authentic British elite education school through the window of China's reform and opening up. The future holds great promise!


In the past year, the encouragement and support from Head of MCS Jonathan, Executive Master of Merchiston China Andrew, and the Board of Directors have inspired and supported MIS tremendously. The MIS family is becoming increasingly united, warm, and trustworthy. The network interconnection, information exchange, and resource sharing advantages of the MIS family with one school and four campuses have become more apparent, further elevating MIS's global brand influence.


We deeply understand that teachers who infuse love into education are the most beloved by children, trusted by parents, admired by colleagues, and praised by society. As educators, our goal is to immerse ourselves in teaching, focus on nurturing individuals, and, on the path of building an academically excellent British-style boarding international school with warmth, never forget our initial aspirations, maintain firm beliefs, work diligently, and make persistent efforts. In the new year, the Era Lighthouse International Education Group will fully support the leadership teams of all schools, leading the MIS and Lighthouse families to work together, united and focused, striving for the bright future of MIS and Lighthouse!


Warm wishes for a brighter tomorrow for MIS and MAS! 🎉 May the Lighthouse families be healthy, happy at home, make progress at work, and achieve new accomplishments!


Guardian of Lighthouse International Education & Chief Service Officer, Lü Jianjun


  New Year  















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