2024-01-05 17:00:00


Priscila Perdomo

Head of Juniors

Dear Parents,

Participating in international competitions offers numerous advantages for Junior school students, fostering holistic development and preparing them for a globalised world. Firstly, these competitions provide a platform for cultural exchange, allowing students to interact with peers from diverse backgrounds. Such interactions promote intercultural understanding, breaking down stereotypes and fostering a sense of global citizenship.

Moreover, engagement in international competitions enhances students' academic skills. Exposure to different curricula and problem-solving approaches challenges them to think critically and creatively. This, in turn, broadens their intellectual horizons and equips them with adaptable skills crucial for future success. Additionally, students often gain exposure to topics beyond their standard curriculum, fostering a love for learning and curiosity about the world.

Participation in these competitions also cultivates teamwork and collaboration. Collaborative projects and group activities promote effective communication, leadership, and the ability to work harmoniously with diverse team members. These soft skills are invaluable in the modern workplace and contribute to the students' social and emotional development.

International competitions serve as a powerful motivational tool. The prospect of representing their school on a global stage inspires students to strive for excellence. The sense of achievement gained from successfully competing at an international level boosts self-esteem and encourages a positive attitude towards challenges.

Furthermore, exposure to international competitions enhances language skills. English proficiency, in particular, is crucial in a global context. Students engaging in these competitions often find themselves communicating with participants from various linguistic backgrounds, improving their language skills in a practical and meaningful way.

Participating in international events also opens doors to networking opportunities. Students interact with professionals, educators, and experts in their respective fields. This exposure can inspire career aspirations, provide insights into various industries, and offer guidance on academic and professional paths.

The competitive nature of these events instills resilience and perseverance in students. Facing challenges on a global stage teaches them to handle pressure, setbacks, and failures with grace. These experiences contribute to the development of a growth mindset, emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement.

In conclusion, the benefits of international competitions for students at MIS Juniors are multifaceted. From fostering cultural understanding and academic excellence to promoting teamwork and resilience, these competitions play a pivotal role in shaping well-rounded, globally aware individuals. The skills and experiences gained through participation are not only instrumental in academic success but also prepare students for the complexities of an interconnected and diverse world.

Priscila Perdomo










总之,国际比赛对 MIS 小学生的益处显而易见。从提升对多元文化的理解和学术水平,到培养团队合作以及适应力,这些竞赛在塑造学生们全面发展、培养全球公民意识等方面发挥着重要作用。通过参与比赛收获的技能和经验,不仅有助于学业取得成功,还能帮助学生为应对多元且瞬息万变的世界做好准备。