曼校学子喜摘袋鼠数学竞赛金牌 学术成就闪耀国际舞台
2024-05-17 17:54:00


MIS Shenzhen, known for its academic excellence and warm environment, has always been dedicated to nurturing outstanding academic talents. In particular, we place a strong emphasis on enhancing students' mathematical skills. We firmly believe that mathematics competitions are one of the effective tools to achieve this goal.


Recently, the results of the Maths Kangaroo competition, the world's most prestigious and widely participated international mathematics competition, were announced. It is delightful to note that students from MIS showcased their outstanding academic prowess in this competition, winning major awards thanks to their solid mathematical foundation and sharp logical thinking. 


Unlike traditional Olympiad math, which emphasizes high difficulty and challenge, Maths Kangaroo aims to stimulate children's interest and confidence in learning mathematics with fun, lively, and life-related problems. This competition fosters students' mathematical thinking, and trains their reading, comprehension, analysis, and problem-solving abilities. As a result, Maths Kangaroo has gradually become popular worldwide, emerging as an influential international mathematical thinking challenge for young people. 


Y4 Chole

Y8 Howard


Y1 Deyi

Y4 Adamson

Y6 Max

Y7 Jennifer


Y2 Felix

Y6 Irving

Y6 Kathy

Y8 Iris

The objectives of the Maths Kangaroo competition align perfectly with MIS's philosophy. At MIS, teaching goes beyond the classroom and textbooks, focusing on inspiring children's creative thinking, allowing their imagination and creativity to flourish naturally, and cultivating students' abilities to adapt to future society. 

In addition to winning the Gold Award, Chloe and Howard also received an invitation to the Maths Kangaroo Asia Camp. They will have the opportunity to be mentored by internationally renowned Maths experts, compete and socialise with top Maths Kangaroo candidates from across Asia, share and enjoy a wonderful mathematic experience!  


近日,全球最负盛名、参赛人数最多的国际数学竞赛——袋鼠数学竞赛(Maths Kangaroo)成绩揭晓。令人欣喜的是曼校学子在此次竞赛中,凭着自身扎实的数学基础和敏锐的思维逻辑,展现出了卓越的学术水平并一举摘获大奖。 



Y4 Chole

Y8 Howard


Y1 Deyi

Y4 Adamson

Y6 Max

Y7 Jennifer


Y2 Felix

Y6 Irving

Y6 Kathy

Y8 Iris

