深圳曼校石国鹏校长正式亮相 将建“青藤书院” 专注美国升学
2024-03-18 20:24:00


MIS Ready Ay Ready

As a hub of international educational resources in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau, how will Shenzhen MIS distinguish itself and better assist students in gaining admission to renowned American and British "dream schools"? How can it achieve innovative integration of high-quality international, specialized, and localized curricula? On March 15th, at the principal's meeting held at Shenzhen MIS, the newly appointed principal, Michael Shi, discussed his philosophy, curriculum, inheritance, innovation, and responded to the attention of various media and educational institutions.

During the meeting, Principal Michael Shi stated that Shenzhen MIS will innovate its curriculum system and establish the "Ivy League Academy" focusing on American college admissions. Additionally, it will collaborate with the Communication University of China to jointly build the "Create Future" arts talent admission and training program.

IVY League Academy

Focussing on American Colleges

To further realize its goal of international education and better meet students' personalized academic pursuits, Shenzhen MIS will open the "Ivy League Academy" in the fall of 2024, focusing on American college admissions. The academy will adopt the AP curriculum system, with a teaching team rigorously selected, led by Ph.D. holders, including foreign teachers and returnees with professional backgrounds in specific disciplines.

At that time, Shenzhen MIS will implement a new teaching and admission model of "one school, two academies, dual training, and dual admission," striving towards the direction of being an academically excellent, warm, and high-quality boarding international school, allowing more students to shine on stages in different countries.

With Communication University of China to Co-build the "Create Future" Talent Development Program

Dr. Zhang Fengyan, Director of the 

Institute of Art Innovation at the CUC

"Music is an important guarantee for holistic education! Shenzhen MIS will collaborate with the Communication University of China to jointly create the 'Create Future' arts talent admission and training program." Principal Michael Shi revealed that this program will use music as a starting point, integrating various disciplines of arts, providing higher-quality professional courses and development paths for students with artistic dreams, enabling more children to knock on the doors of world-renowned schools through music, and enhancing China's cultural influence on the international stage.

Dr. Zhang Fengyan, Director of the Institute of Art Innovation at the Communication University of China, was also invited to speak on stage, analyzing the influence and nourishment of learning music on the river of life from dimensions such as happiness, innovation, and aesthetic ability, as well as the competitive advantages of artistic talents in applying to world-renowned schools.

Renowned Principals Bend Down to Harvest and Enter the Field Again

As the new Chinese principal and high school principal of Shenzhen MIS, Michael Shi also serves as the Academic Principal of Dongguan Xingzhi School. Public information shows that as one of the founders of Beijing International Education, Mr. Shi has served as the principal of the Beijing International School's campus, known as the "top international school in Beijing," and the founding principal of the Hainan Blue Bay Future Leadership School. With 30 years of experience in education, he has made significant contributions and impacts in the field of international education.

Under Principal Michael Shi's advanced educational philosophy and personalized curriculum system, numerous outstanding graduates have been admitted to top world-renowned schools such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, Oxford, Cambridge, etc., every year, sweeping all Ivy League schools, the top 20 in the United States, and the G5 in the United Kingdom. More importantly, these graduates have thrived in top-tier institutions worldwide, which is closely related to the education they received during their secondary education.

He advocates for a combination of Eastern and Western curriculum systems and educational paths, placing more emphasis on the integration of humanities education with scientific, technological, artistic, and physical education. This was also confirmed at the meeting.

Regarding the topics of great concern to parents and media in the Greater Bay Area, Principal Michael Shi also responded separately. He stated that Shenzhen MIS is an extension of a prestigious British school with nearly 200 years of history. Its connection with the mother school is like the umbilical cord between a baby and its mother, with the mother continuously delivering "nourishment" through the cord. Under the school's strict management system, Shenzhen MIS has maximized the advantages of British-style boarding education.

Riding on the momentum of the Greater Bay Area's development into an international education demonstration zone, Shenzhen MIS will continuously innovate and improve the quality of teaching, integrate high-quality international educational resources, implement the concept of "warmth education" on the ground, and extend high-quality international educational resources to more families in the Greater Bay Area.

MIS Ready Ay Ready





















图片 文章 Yafei Zhao & Tao Deng