MISsive 2022-23 曼校双周刊 第二期
2022-10-22 18:43:00

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我们很期待下次的“和我一起来学习”课程(11月17日星期四),届时家长们将有机会参与孩子们的英文课程。有关下次课程的详细信息,之后会通过邮件和Class Dojo发送给各位家长。






学前班 - Crystal & Phoebie1年级 - Emilia2年级 - Pino3年级 - Dionne4年级 - Ding Ding5年级 - Sophie6年级 - WaynePringle楼 – Sophie



男生代表 – 6年级Han Lin 女生代表 – 6年级Cici S

Pringle男生代表 – 6年级Kyran

Pringle男生副代表 – 6年级Eddie

Pringle女生代表 – 6年级Eva

Pringle女生副代表 – 6年级Cici L

Edinburgh部落学生代表:6年级Cici L、6年级Jennifer Balmoral部落学生代表:6年级Mike、5年级Cindy


Lomond部落学生代表:6年级Cici S、5年级Grace


Mr. Mikey将本周的曼校小狮奖颁发给了4年级的学生们,以此表彰他们在校园内时刻践行着 “Ay Ready, Ay Respectful”的校训。他还与大家分享了来自第一学段同学们的善言善语和他们对学校的喜爱,听得每个人心里暖暖的!

小学部写作挑战赛的获奖者是Clark(5年级)和Clementine(2年级)。Mr. Andrew发起了一项新的写作挑战,主题为恐怖的万圣节,我们鼓励所有学生们参加。









7年级学生最近在用显微镜研究细胞,并学习如何绘制准确的科学图表。在观察了细胞内的构成后,学生们制作了细胞模型,这些模型将被展示在教室外的显示屏上,学生们每次经过时都会联想起他们学过的知识。这是Mr Adam Harbinson先生为他7年级班级的学生所准备的展示板。









曼校除了为学生提供全面的国际课程学习,还成立了专门的升学指导中心,帮助学生和家长提前了解升学知识和最新的升学动向。在10月14号星期五下午,升学指导中心举办了一次针对12年级的大学申请的家长讲座,帮助12年级的学生和家长们清楚跟进升学的一些基本问题,以及需要做的准备。讲座一开始,曼校的校长兼升学总监Ms. Marion对学校的升学时间点做了一个简单的介绍,特别指出12年级即将要参加AS考试的重要性。随后,升学指导老师Zoe详细介绍了大学申请的主要流程、申请材料准备、申请时间轴、常见专业及申请要求、选课建议以及各年级规划重点等内容,让家长们对升学有了更加清晰的了解,有助于家长和学生一起为下一学年的升学做好更详细的规划。升学指导中心还开放了一对一的升学咨询,对升学有任何疑问的学生和家长,都欢迎发邮件至uniguidance@merchiston.cn,升学指导老师会根据每个学生不同情况制定不同的升学方案,给与不同的建议和指导。





宋冰教授的女儿目前在英国上高中,读的也是A level课程,明年即将升大学。可以想象,宋教授也花了很多时间研究ALEVEL教育和英国的大学申请。在这次访问曼校过程中,宋冰教授给Y10-Y13 的同学介绍了生物医学的最新进展, 如何在中学做科研。 最重要的是,分享了他对大学申请的思考。曼校本部和皇家一英里的高中学生对这次讲座反响热烈。宋教授还邀请我们的老师和同学去深圳先进技术研究院参观。相信我们的学生将会和宋教授还有他的同事们有更多的互动。










拔河比赛:一根绳子、四只队伍、一场激烈的比赛与对决!我校的四个部落:Balmoral, Edinburgh, Lomond和Nevis,在整场比赛中以强大的力量、团队精神和家人精神,完成了本次比赛!学生被按照关键学段分组对决,他们不遗余力地为各自的部落赢得了宝贵的分数。




Balmoral: Y11 Rachel, Y10 Rain

Edinburgh: Y12 Grant, Y10 Annie

Lomond: Y13 Anna Y9 Cherry

Nevis: Y12 Esther, Y12 Alexander





中学部落首领Miss Chloe、Miss Poppy、Mr Tim和Mr Mike敬上!

街头音乐表演 & 校庆日海选——表演艺术部

2022年10月21日星期五,表演艺术部在曼校城堡大厅组织了本学年的第二场街头音乐表演活动,本次表演是为11月4日校庆日而做准备。学生们踊跃参加本次街头音乐表演,为校庆日活动进行海选。本次表演活动中,小学和中学的学生们都激情昂扬地支持着同伴、老师及行政员工。首先带来表演的是皇家一英里的学生,他们是Michael Shao、Greg Huang、Olivia Zhong和Lander Cheng,几位同学从电影《泰坦尼克号》中不朽的主题开始,随着城堡厅内音乐响起,中学女生Audrey Cui、Ella Xia和Sally Pan表演了各种类型的音乐:韩国女团流行乐、WKND(流行乐)和中国传统古典音乐。在声乐中间,年轻的钢琴家Mike Chen和Grace Huang为我们带来了优美动听的古典旋律,悠悠中展示了他们在表演中的气定神闲和律动。在此非常感谢参与本次表演和组织的所有人员,如果希望您的孩子参加街头表演,请联系艺术总监,fred.zhang@merchiston.cn或tingting.xie@merchiston.cn






曼校关心每一位教职的身心健康,我们希望每一位教职工都懂得照顾好自己的身体及心灵的重要性。瑜伽是对我们长期身心健康和幸福的无价之宝。每次上完瑜伽课,你都会感到身体更加放松,压力得到舒缓,身心更加愉悦。因此,我们特邀曼校的瑜伽老师Ms. Angelina Liu为曼校全体员工开设了瑜伽课程。Ms Angelina Liu拥有超过16年的瑜伽教学经验,学生涵盖各个年龄段,其中超过13年在国际学校教授瑜伽课程。




本周很荣幸向您介绍的是我校英语及戏剧老师Ms Poppy Stevens




















Message from Head of School

I am finding that time is flying by for me here at MIS. The whole community is welcoming and I am beginning to learn the names of some of the students. As in Merchiston Castle school in Edinburgh the students greet the staff cheerfully and one always pleased to see us. This is a constant theme running through both MSC and MIS.

Some of our senior pupils in Year 13 have been sitting examinations during this period and we have all been keeping an eye on them to make sure they are healthy and positive.

I am enjoying the wonderful weather and wish you all a happy weekend.


Year 5 – IPC – Space.

This week we’ve been learning and out planets and the relationship between the Earth and the Sun. To demonstrate the movement of the Earth around the Sun, went out and drew shadows on the ground (think sundial) at 3pm one afternoon.

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Later in the week, we went out again in the morning to see the difference. During our morning break, we went back and observed the difference between the three shadows (one with a larger time difference from afternoon to morning and one with a shorter time difference of just 30 minutes).

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Juniors Chinese Come Learn with Me

This week, we were delighted to start our Come Learn with Me lessons in the Juniors School! We began with inviting our parents to join their child’s Chinese lesson to learn and find out more about the Chinese curriculum, teaching and learning strategies.

It was wonderful to see so many parents attend these lessons and the students really enjoyed learning with their parents.

We are looking forward to our next Come Learn with Me lesson on Thursday 17th November, where our parents will have the opportunity to join an English lesson. Further details will be sent, via email and Class Dojo, soon.

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Juniors Assembly

In this week’s assembly we continued to learn about International Mindedness. I introduced our weekly virtue 'Unity' and discussed the importance of different people and countries working together in unity to make our world a better and peaceful place to live in.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, a famous civil rights activist, said, "Unity is our Power and Diversity is our Strength". The students now understand that if we work together, respect, celebrate and learn about each other's differences that we will be demonstrating international mindedness and be better global citizens.We congratulated the following students for showing unity in school, this week:

EY - Crystal & Phoebie 

Y1 - Emilia 

Y2 - Pino 

Y3 - Dionne

Y4 - Ding Ding

 Y5 - Sophie 

Y6 - Wayne  

Pringle - Sophie

Thank you for being Ay Respectful and internationally minded students! 

This week, we announced our student leadership team for 2022/23:

Head Boy - Han Lin Y6 

Head Girl - Cici S Y6

Pringle Head Boy - Kyran Y6

Deputy Pringle Head Boy - Eddie Y6

Pringle Head Girl - Eva Y6

Deputy Pringle Head Girl - Cici L Y6

Edinburgh Clan Captains: Cici L Y6 & Jennifer Y6

Balmoral Clan Captains: Mike Y6 & Cindy Y5

Nevis Clan Captains: Eva Y6 & Chloe Y5

Lomond Clan Captains: Cici S Y6 & Grace Y5

Many congratulations to all students! 

Mr. Mikey awarded Lion Up to Year 4 for their consistently Ay Ready and Ay Safe walking around the school. He also shared some kind words and affirmations from our Milepost 1 students, which were lovely to listen to! 

Our writing challenge winners were Clark (Y5) and Clementine (Y2). Mr. Andrew has launched a new writing challenge with a spooky, Halloween theme and we encourage all students to participate. 

Lastly, we will be having a Clan Competition, Tug of War, on Friday 28th October at 8:15am. All students will participate and should arrive at school wearing their Clan t-shirt and PE kit. Parents are not invited to this event, but we will post lots of photos on all of our communication platforms afterwards. 

It was another jam-packed assembly full of celebration, learning and laughter!Enjoy the photos!

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Year 8 English Class 

Students in 8 spent the lesson working groups and using their knowledge on short stories to create their own. With the key focus on using language devices, such as Personification, Similes & Hyperbole, students worked in small groups to Plan, Organise and Write their short stories."

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Year 7 Science 

Year 7 have recently been studying cells using a microscope and learning how to draw accurate scientific diagrams. After learning about what was inside these cells, they made models which we hope can act as a daily reminder as they will be added to display board outside the classrooms. Here is one already made by Mr Adam Harbinson for his Year 7 class.

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Y7 Parent Meeting

On Monday 10 October 2022, we held our Y7 Parent Meeting where most of Y7 parents have met with their child(ren) teachers and found out how their child(ren) are settling in Seniors.



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Y11 Parent Meeting

On Tuesday 18 October 2022, we held our Y11 Parent Meeting where the Y11 students’ parents met with their child(ren)’s teachers and found out where they are for IGCSE exams in May/June 2023.

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Y12 University Guidance Presentation

In addition to providing students with a wide range of international courses, MIS has also set up a University Guidance Center to help students and parents understand university applications and the latest trends in advance. On the afternoon of Friday 14 October, the University Guidance Center held a parent forum on Y12 University Applications to help Y12 students and parents clearly understand some basic questions and preparations in this regard. The forum started with Ms. Marion, Head of MIS and Director of UGC, briefly introducing the university application timeline, and emphasizing the importance of upcoming AS exams for Y12 students. It was followed by Ms. Zoe, the University Counselor, explaining in detail the application process, documents preparation, application timeline, majors and requirements, AL subject recommendation, and early planning, which helped parents get a clearer understanding of university application, and facilitated parents and students to make more detailed planning for next year’s application. UGC also offers one-on-one university counseling. Students and parents are welcome to email to uniguidance@merchiston.cn, should you have any questions. The university counselors will make individual application plan and offer suggestions and guidance for each student based on his/her situation.

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Presentaion to Y10-13 by Professor Song

Professor Song from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences visited MIS on 12th October and presented on the topic of university admission to our upper secondary students

Professor Bing Song is a member of the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences as well as Vice Dean of the School of Dentistry of Cardiff University, UK. In addition, he is a Royal Society University Research Fellow, UK.

Professor Song’s daughter is currently a Y13 student studying A-level in UK. As everyone could imagine, Prof. Song has invested significant amounts of time to understand A-level education and university application in UK. During the visit in MIS, he talked about the latest progress in bio-medicine, how to carry out research during secondary school and most importantly, share his thoughts about university application with our Y10-Y13 students. The presentation was received warmly by our high schoolers in both MIS and the Royal Mile project. Prof. Song invited our teachers and students to visit his lab in SIAT and many more interactions between our students and Prof. Song and his colleagues are expected to happen.

As our investor Mr. Lyu’s friend, Professor Song has visited the MIS campus last year. However, due to the covid outbreaks and lock-downs, the planned presentation and meeting with students has been delayed. In the future, MIS and SSC will try to arrange more high quality presentations like this one for our students.

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Leadership in Seniors PE

This week our year 9 students were greeted with tiny humans! Moving into Year 9 is a big step, and the PE department thought it would be an excellent teaching opportunity to show leadership, assertiveness and organization.

Our enthusiastic students were split into four groups and were given only 10 minutes to prepare an engaging, fun and suitable activity for our early year students to enjoy.

We were extremely impressed by how our seniors rose to the challenge and took care of the early years. One student even stated: "It is so hard being a teacher!”

Well done to our year 9’s for being excellent role models!

Catch up with Seniors CLAN!

We have already had a busy and energetic start to the Clan calendar, read on to find out about our first event of the year, newly appointed Clan Captains and upcoming events!

Tug of War! One rope, four teams and a fierce competition! Starting off the Senior Clan events with a bang, our four Clans: Balmoral, Edinburgh, Lomond, and Nevis battled it out in strength, teamwork, and family spirit to win Tug of War! Being split into Key Stages, students took part to earn valuable points for their Clan.

The Tug of war was a fantastic opportunity for the Clan Heads to observe potential Clan Captains showing passion and leadership for their Clans. We have an exciting events schedule which will allow students to take part in a variety of activities but also push them beyond their comfort zone.

Introducing our 2022-2023 Clan Captains!

Balmoral: Y11 Rachel Ren and Y10 Rain Ho Edinburgh: Y12 Grant Chang and Y10 Annie Peng Lomond: Y13 Anna Qiang and Y9 Cherry SunNevis: Y12 Esther Tung and Y12 Alexander Smith

As Clan Heads we are already enormously proud of our elected captains and are confident that they will do a fantastic job fulfilling the role and lead by example.

Coming up!

Next week, Wednesday 26th October we will see our year groups competing against each other in a Clan Dodgeball competition – We'll see them diving, dipping, ducking, and dodging... But who will be victorious?

We hope you have enjoyed reading about our Senior Clan events, thank you!

Senior School Clan HeadsMiss Chloe, Miss Poppy, Mr Tim and Mr Mike.

Performing Arts: Busker’s Corner and Auditions for Merchiston Day

On Friday, 21st of October, the Performing Arts department held their second Buskers Corner at the Castle in preparation for Merchiston Day. Students are encouraged to audition to perform for Merchiston Day through performing in Busker’s Corner. In attendance were both seniors and junior's students who passionately supported their peers along with teachers and non-academic staff. The lunchtime soiree started with the monumental theme from the movie ‘Titanic’ performed by members of the Royal Mile -Michael Shao, Greg Huang, Olivia Zhong, and Lander Cheng. Following this chamber music start, senior girls Audrey Cui, Ella Xia and Sally Pan dazzled performing a variety of genres from Blackpink (Kpop), The WKND (Pop) and Chinese Traditional Classics. Between the vocal interludes, young pianists Mike Chen and Grace Huang showed off their classical melodies, demonstrating poise and discipline in their performance. A big thank you to all involved and if you would like to enter your child for Busker’s Corner please contact Head of Arts, fred.zhang@merchiston.cn or tingting.xie@merchiston.cn

See you next week at Buskers Corner for our next round of auditions!

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Basketball Class by Coach Bob Pierce

This week, we are very lucky to invite Five-Star Basketball Academy’s director of instruction, Bob to MIS. Bob was Asia scout for Miami Heat and Former Assistant coach of China National Man’s U18 Youth Team. Around 20 Senior students took part in the training. Students are from different years group, and some of them from Royal Miles. There are girls and boys. Basketball brought them together. Sports make MIS students become more united and more cohesive.

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MIS Staff Yoga

MIS pays very much importance to our staff well-being and we hope every member of staff knows the importance of looking after themselves, Yoga is a priceless investment in our long-term wellness and happiness. You leave each class feeling more at ease in your body, less bothered by stress, and more present to joy, therefore, we have invited our Yoga teacher Ms Angelina Liu to deliver the regular yoga lessons within the school. Ms Angelina Liu is with over 16 years of experience teaching Yoga through all ages and over 13 years teaching Yoga in international schools.

Our staff Yoga class takes place every Tuesday starting from 18 October 2022 during school term and it is open for all staff at MIS. Welcome to Join us!

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Staff in the Spotlight

This week we would like to introduce you our English & Drama Teacher who is also one of our Clan Leader Ms  Poppy Stevens.

Where else in the world have you lived?

I am from England, but I have very briefly lived in Spain, Italy, and the USA!

Tell us about your family.

I am from a family of six, I have an older brother and two older sisters. My brother – Freddie, is married and expecting his first child this November. My eldest sister – Maddy, has two beautiful daughters; Beatrice and Lydia, and my other sister – Georgie, got married this summer – they’re all ‘proper’ grown-ups! My family all live in my hometown of Bury St. Edmunds in England.

What’s your favourite weekend activity in Shenzhen?

Usually exploring somewhere new in the city with my four-legged companion, Pudding, or heading for dinner with friends! Though you can’t beat a bit of KTV now and then...

Did you always want to be a teacher?

No! I grew up wanting to be a dancer, having always competed and performed to a high level. It was later in my studies that I first wanted to become a teacher, like many, through the inspiration of one of my teachers!

Tell us about a hidden talent or a top secret that no one would know about you.

In 2019, I sky-dived in South Africa! Though the picture may suggest something different, it was one of the greatest experiences of my life so far!

Which five people would you invite to a dinner party, dead or alive?

Firstly, my Nana who passed away in 2013. Then it would probably become more fame centric. I think I would like to have dinner with Leonardo DiCaprio, Princess Diana, Michelle Obama and to me, the ever-funny Gemma Collins.

What does a typical day at MIS look like for you?

My day begins in the Black Box, meeting with my form class. Then it is usually a mix of Key Stage Three Drama and English classes. I am fortunate that many of my lessons are filled with games and students performing a variety of scripts, which usually means each day is very different and I can see the students getting creative!

Do you have a motto or saying that really resonates with you?

‘If it won’t matter in five years, don’t spend five minutes worrying about it.’ A simple one, but it usually helps me to not sweat the small stuff and instead, focus on the bigger picture!

Do you have a most memorable teacher moment?

For me, these are typically ‘breakthrough’ moments or highlights within various performance projects. So far, my most memorable moment at MIS is all of Year 8 performing in our Theatre in Education production of The Ugly Duckling! It was an incredible achievement for all involved in what was a very turbulent academic year, having only left lockdown weeks before the performance! I was very proud of every student that rehearsed, memorised their lines and supported their peers...

Hope you enjoy reading! See you next time on Friday 04 November 2022.


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