以高品质国际教育服务光明科学城建设 灯塔之光照亮未来之城
2023-12-18 16:42:00





On December 16, 2023, the Pure British International Education Expo of the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau, along with the High-Quality International Education Exchange and Seminar in Guangming District, took place. Themed "Nurturing Vision, City of the Future," the event included keynote speeches, roundtable forums, interactive displays, and more. Renowned experts, school leaders, scientists, overseas representatives, and parents from the global education sector gathered in Guangming to analyze international education trends and discuss how high-quality British-style international education can integrate and serve the high-level talents in the district, contributing to the construction of the city of the future.


Academic Excellence in

High-quality International Education

At the beginning of the conference, Mr. Lü Jianjun, Chairman of Shenzhen Lighthouse International Education Group and founder of Shenzhen MIS, delivered the opening speech. He shared his vision of introducing the prestigious Merchiston Castle School, known for its academic excellence with almost 200 years of history, into the Greater Bay Area. Lü Jianjun expressed his desire to transform the educational path for more children, turning it from a narrow bridge to a diversified interchange through MIS's outstanding academic training, contributing to building the city of the future.

Mr. Lü Jianjun, Chairman of Shenzhen Lighthouse

International Education Group and founder of Shenzhen MIS

"Guangming District is the city of science, and MIS shares a common scientific gene with it. The Edinburgh mother school of MIS is located on the land of the renowned mathematician and inventor of logarithms, the Napier family," said Lü Jianjun. He emphasized that MIS, as it integrates into the development plan of the second five years in the Greater Bay Area, will serve as a crucial engine for high-quality development, continuously providing high-quality international education services for the children of high-level talents in Shenzhen, contributing MIS's strength to building a world-class scientific city in Guangming.

Yuan Hui, Senior HR Manager at Shenzhen Bay 

Laboratory and Senior Career Planner

Yuan Hui, Senior HR Manager at Shenzhen Bay Laboratory and Senior Career Planner, spoke about "Resources for Cultivating Students' Qualities in International Schools." From a parent's perspective, she shared her journey of sending two children to Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, emphasizing that good education is a process of awakening a child's soul. Yuan Hui highlighted the importance of holistic education, balanced development, and interest cultivation in international education, which enhances children's abilities for in-depth exploration and self-management, fostering them to become world citizens with a strong sense of social responsibility and leadership.

Tang Anli, Secretary-General of the Shenzhen 

Overseas Chinese Returnees Association

Tang Anli, Secretary-General of the Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Returnees Association, emphasized the importance of studying abroad in fostering innovation. She discussed the association's precise and diverse services for returned talents, aiming to make Shenzhen a new magnetic field for returned talents.

Li Hai, Director of the Shenzhen 

International Talent Exchange Center

Li Hai, Director of the Shenzhen International Talent Exchange Center, recognized the unique charm and potential of Guangming as the youngest administrative district in Shenzhen. To address the concerns of the education of high-level talents' children, Guangming, in collaboration with MIS, launched the "Hundred People, Ten Million" scholarship program, marking a significant attempt and discussion in promoting the international education development for the children of high-level talents in Guangming.

Dr. Zhang Yue, Head of Merchiston Songshan Lake Academy

Dr. Zhang Yue, Head of Merchiston Songshan Lake Academy, delivered a keynote speech titled "Choice, Decision, and Future," combining her rich teaching practice and successful cases in international education. She shared her thoughts on how international education can better help students realize their dreams of entering world-renowned universities and becoming outstanding global talents.

⬆️ Roundtable Discussion ⬆️

Parent Rep: MIS is a school that is

willing to listen, emphasizing service

In addition to the keynote speeches, a roundtable discussion was held, moderated by Dr. Li Zhitian, a Ph.D. in Comparative Education from South China Normal University and Deputy Dean of the Hong Kong Greater Bay Area International Education Research Institute. Representatives from MIS, including Mark, Head of MIS Senior, Gao Xu, the head of the Royal Mile College, and Priscila, head of MIS Junior, along with Vicky Wang, the secretary-general of the MIS Parent Committee and Dr. Wang, a scientist family member of Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, engaged in an in-depth and intense exchange of ideas, discussing the help and value of high-quality international education in various dimensions such as broadening horizons, knowledge accumulation, and character shaping. The lively discussion received applause from the audience.

"Shenzhen MIS is a school that is willing to listen and values service, achieving the utmost in parent-school co-education." Dr. Vicky Wang praised MIS's educational philosophy during the salon, emphasizing that when the family and school's educational philosophies are unified, the education received by children from both sides is consistent. In this regard, MIS has constructed a good new ecology for parent-school co-education.

Ten Million Scholarship

It is noteworthy that the conference provided an authoritative interpretation of the "Hundred People, Ten Million" education support scholarship program for the children of international talents in Guangming. As the only pure foreign student school approved by the Municipal Education Bureau in the northern part of Shenzhen, MIS has seen 100% of its graduates from four consecutive sessions securing offers from world's top 100 universities. To support the early establishment of Guangming as a leading area in the comprehensive national scientific center of the Greater Bay Area, the school will continue to open a green channel for the children of high-level talents in Guangming to enroll in international schools, offering certain scholarship incentives, allowing high-level talents to work with peace of mind and ensuring their children enjoy high-quality British-style international education.




12月16日,2023粤港澳大湾区纯英式国际教育展暨光明区高品质国际教育交流研讨会在光明区举行。本届教育展以“育见光明 未来之城”为主题,活动包含主题演讲、圆桌论坛、互动展示等环节。在现场,来自全球教育领域的权威专家、知名国际学校校长与科学家代表、海归代表、学生家长等齐聚光明,深度解析国际教育发展趋势,共话纯英式高品质国际教育如何融入与服务光明区高层次人才,共同建设未来之城。





⬆️ 深圳时代灯塔国际教育集团主席吕建军致辞 ⬆️





⬆️ 深圳市海归协会秘书长唐安丽致辞 ⬆️


⬆️ 深圳国际人才交流中心主任李海致辞 ⬆️






⬆️ 圆桌对话环节 ⬆️

家长代表: 深圳曼校是一所


除了主题演讲,本次活动还设置了圆桌对话环节,由华南师大比较教育学博士、香港大湾区国际教育研究院副院长李志甜担任主持。深圳曼校中学校长Mark、深圳曼校皇家一英里学院院长高旭、深圳曼校小学校长Priscila,曼校家委会秘书长、深圳湾实验室科学家家属Vicky Wang博士作为嘉宾进行了深入而激烈的思想碰撞和观点交锋,双方畅谈高品质国际教育对学龄段孩子在开阔视野、储备知识、塑造性格等多维度的帮助与价值,精彩的观点让现场掌声雷动。

“曼校是一所愿意倾听家长的声音并及时回馈的学校,在家校共育方面做到了极致”。沙龙现场,谈起曼校的教育理念,Vicky Wang博士溢美之词不绝于口。Vicky Wang博士认为,当家庭和学校教育理念做到统一后,孩子在家校双方接受的教育便是一致的,这样将极大地帮助孩子健康成长。而在这点上,曼校构建了良好的家校共育新生态。





图片 文章 Yafei Zhao & Tao Deng