MIS Wellbeing | 曼校德育 少年的你 请勇敢对校园霸凌说不
2023-11-17 19:39:00


Ben Webster

Head of

Students Well-being

Zero Tolerance

MIS approach to bullying

At MIS we work hard to create a community of kindness, where all of our children feel respected, listened to and valued. We know that all schools are exposed to the risk of bullying and how serious this can be. We have created an anti-bullying strategy that I would like to share with you today.

MIS Anti-Bullying


What is bullying?

Bullying is defined as the repetitive, intentional harming of 1 person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying is, therefore:

-Deliberately hurtful

-Difficult to defend against

-Repeated, often over a period of time

How do we teach our students?

· When our students join the school, we sit down with them and explain our values and expectations. We ask all our students to sign a behaviour agreement that has a code of conduct for their behaviour.

· All students take part in weekly Wellbeing lessons as part of their curriculum. We teach students about the values of the school, kindness, friendship and respect.

· We hold weekly assemblies in our Juniors and Seniors, where all students come together and reflect on our values

· Our Student Council lead on anti-bullying campaigns across the school

· We encourage all students to nominate their peers for acts of kindness and read out the nominations in our weekly assembly

How do we identify bullying?

We know that we must be constantly vigilant to potential bullying in our school. We actively identify bullying by:

• Teaching our students about trusted adults who they can speak to if other people are unkind or hurtful

• Having regular 1:1 meetings with our students to provide a safe space for them to share any concerns they have

• Having a termly wellbeing survey, that asks students if they, or anyone they know, are being bullied

• Having a reporting email where students can anonymously share any concerns they have about themselves or others

• Training staff regularly on the signs of bullying behaviour and what to look out for in lessons and around the school

Responding to concerns

If a student or staff member has a concern, we always thoroughly investigate by meeting with all students involved. We aim to establish the facts of the matter in a neutral and non-judgmental manner and will keep parents updated throughout our investigation. If a disciplinary response is required, we will use our escalating levels of behaviour response. We will ensure that all parties receive wellbeing support and look to provide an educational response for the perpetrator(s) so they understand what they have done and can learn for the future.


With our strong focus on education and proactive pastoral care, incidents of bullying are very rare at MIS. Our students can trust us to quickly follow up on concerns and we work together to build our community of kindness.

Ben Webster









- 故意伤害

- 难以抵御

- 经常是在一段时间内反复发生


- 当我们的学生进入学校时,我们与他们坐下来,解释我们的价值观和期望。我们要求所有学生签署一份行为协议,其中包含他们行为的行为准则。

- 所有学生都参与每周的德育课程,作为他们课程的一部分。我们教导学生学校的价值观、善良、友谊和尊重。

- 我们在初中和高中每周举行集会,所有学生聚集在一起反思我们的价值观。

- 我们的学生会议领导学校范围内的反欺凌活动。

- 我们鼓励所有学生提名他们的同学进行善良的行为,并在每周集会上宣读提名。



- 教导学生,告诉他们可以与之交谈的信任成年人,如果其他人对他们不友好或有害。

- 定期与学生进行一对一的会议,为他们提供一个安全的空间分享他们的任何担忧。

- 每学期进行德育调查,询问学生是否自己或他们认识的人遭受欺凌。

- 提供一个匿名举报的电子邮件,学生可以分享他们对自己或他人的任何担忧。

- 定期培训员工,让他们了解欺凌行为的迹象,在课堂和学校周围留心。


