MIS Outreach | 微光如炬 向善而行 曼校公益组织暖心回顾
2024-01-12 15:00:00


Last year our Outreach CCA team spent many hours developing a yearly plan for our fundraising and awareness campaigns for the 2023-2024 academic year. Their goal was to reintroduce Outreach back into the school with a bang and I would say this has been achieved so far.

We started the year with a food drive for Karuna Rescue. Our Seniors and Juniors did a fantastic job bringing in food for their clans. We raised a whopping 517 kgs of food for the shelter.

MIS Outreach

We have also done a number of fund-raising events from our drinks sale at Merchiston day, pledge sheets for Cross Country and a cookie sale at Promised Land’s Thanksgiving event. These efforts have raised a total of 4266 RMB! A great amount for our first term.

MIS Outreach

To round it all off our Outreach CCA and Duke of Edinburgh students have given up their time and volunteered at Karuna Shelter. They were able to help take care of some of the animals and show them some much needed love and attention. Our last volunteer opportunity saw eight of our talented students perform at Promised Land’s Thanksgiving event. It was amazing to see our students show off their skills in an effort to support Promised Land in a meaningful way.

Outreach would like to thank all those who got involved and participated this term. We are looking forward to continuing our work in Term 2 and hope that everyone can help make a difference in our community. 



MIS Outreach


MIS Outreach

