2024-01-26 16:26:00


Recently, the Creative Arts Department held their inaugural Sustainable Fashion Show. Year 11 Textiles students were tasked with creating sustainable fashion designs by using a variety of design techniques and principles, such as fabric manipulation, embroidery, and tie-dye. This task was intended to give students an experience of professional fashion concept design, and to inspire students to create designs that were practical, aesthetic, and sustainable.

2024 MIS Fashion Show

This design challenge started in October, when our young designers received recycled clothing from their chosen teacher models. Following the receipt of these rather old pieces of clothing, students began the iterative process of design thinking, which involved planning, experimentation, and development. Students then collaborated with Ms. Jello, their models, and took inspiration from the various art trips to Hong Kong Art Basel Exhibition and Shenzhen’s Fashion Source Exhibition.


With support (and pressure) from the expert textile’s teacher, Ms. Jello, all students completed their designs. Much to the delight of their models and to the MIS community.

After designs were completed, students gave teacher models, training in how to wear their newly designed outfits, including the inspiration behind their designs. Additionally, teacher models were trained in how to represent these designs on a catwalk.


On Fashion Show Day, the models took part in a single catwalk, double catwalk and a final group catwalk with designers. Following this parade, the students gave a detailed presentation of their design process for the audience and adjudicators.  At the end of the day, students were awarded prizes for their efforts.

MIS would like to thank M.ORO Fashion Company, who provided three expert fashion designers to adjudicate the Fashion Show and give students valuable feedback. We look forward to the MIS Fashion Show 2025 and further collaboration with Art organizations!


2024 MIS Fashion Show

创办设计挑战周的故事可追溯到去年十月份,当时我们的年轻设计师们收到了来自模特老师送来的废旧衣物。于是,学生们开始进行思维碰撞,并与模特Ms. Jello合作,从参加香港巴塞尔艺术展,深圳时装周等各种艺术活动中汲取设计灵感。


在设计专业老师Ms. Jello的支持(和压力)下,所有学生都完成了各自的艺术作品,这些作品在艺术上的造诣,令他们的模特和曼校整个社区都感到欣喜。






图片 文章 Yafei Zhao & Tao Deng