2024-02-09 12:07:00


2024 Happy New Year

Dear families,


As the golden dragon dances, ushering in the blessings, and the lighthouse's warm glow reflects the arrival of the new spring, we extend our warmest New Year wishes to the lighthouse's extended family, as well as to the friends from all walks of life who care and support the development of MIS.


Looking back at the extraordinary year of 2023 for MIS, it has been a year of academic advancement and acclaim. The graduating class of 23 students from Shenzhen Merchiston International School (MIS) reached new heights, with 90% of MIS students receiving offers from the world's top 50 universities. The Royal Mile achieved a 100% A/A* rate in the IG exams. Meanwhile, Merchiston Academy Songshan Lake(MAS) graduates once again dominated admissions to the UK's G5 universities. Both Shenzhen MIS and MAS, under the Lighthouse umbrella, earned the reputation of being the "world-renowned school harvesters" in the Greater Bay Area, contributing the "MIS model" to creating academically excellent and warm high-quality international schools.


This year has also been a year of relentless innovation and pursuit of excellence for MIS. The deepening of international exchange and cooperation with prestigious institutions, such as the launch of the Oxford University Tutor System Innovation Development Asia Center, sets the stage for future accomplishments.


Furthermore, this year marked a year of devoted inspiration and elevated development for MIS. We have integrated the educational philosophy of "infusing heart, nurturing love" into the entire teaching and management process, striving to cultivate children into world citizens with robust physical health and wholesome character. Nurtured by holistic education, children have blossomed comprehensively in academics, arts, culture, sports, and public service, bringing a series of good news.


In 2024, the Year of the Dragon in the traditional Chinese zodiac, we anticipate it to be the starting year for MIS's new five-year development plan – a year of extraordinary excellence. We aim to continue with our overarching goal of rooting in the Bay Area, serving families, infusing heart, and nurturing love. We invite top-tier teachers who are passionate about education, students, MIS, and MAS to join the lighthouse, contributing with their professional expertise and mission commitment to further glory.


Dear families, MIS is our shared happy home, and each of our growth is closely related to it. As long as we stand shoulder to shoulder, serving students, serving the school, spreading warmth, and pursuing excellence, Shenzhen MIS and MAS will undoubtedly become academically excellent and warm high-quality international schools.


As the plants flourish, the spring mountains are within reach. In 2024, let's unite and strive together with a shared mission to create an academically excellent and warm high-quality boarding international school. Let us collectively work towards a brighter future for MIS!


Finally, we sincerely wish all families a happy and prosperous New Year in 2024.


Lighthouse International Education Guardian

Chief Service Officer                    Jianjun Lyu

二零二四 · 恭贺新禧














灯塔国际教育守护人&首席服务官  吕建军


图片 文章 Yafei Zhao & Tao Deng